Celebrating milestones and building futures: MUNER Graduates at Lamborghini

On 9 July, MUNER proudly celebrated the graduation of 10 exceptional students from our Advanced Automotive Engineering Master’s Degree at the prestigious Lamborghini headquarters.

These are pivotal moments as they shape the future of automotive innovation and engineering excellence. 

This session group included:

  • 5 graduates specialising in High Performance Car Design
  • 3 in Advanced Powertrain
  • 1 in Racing Car Design
  • 1 in Advanced Sports Car Manufacturing

Half of these students distinguished themselves by graduating with first-class honours, a testament to their hard work and dedication.

Umberto Tossini, Chief People, Culture, and Organization Officer at Lamborghini, gave an emotional speech introducing the proclamation ceremony, conducted by Professor Matteo Giacopini in the museum.

We are immensely grateful to Lamborghini for their hospitality and vibrant, ongoing partnership. Working with industry leaders like Lamborghini enables us to nurture and launch the next generation of automotive pioneers, enriching our educational experience and supporting our mission.

Thank you, Lamborghini, for contributing to our students’ growth!

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